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API reference

pika follows semver. pika is currently at a 0.X version which means that minor versions may break the API. pika gives no guarantees about ABI stability. The ABI may change even in patch versions.

The API reference is a work in progress. While the reference is being expanded, the More resources section contains useful links to high level overviews and low level API descriptions of std::execution.

The following headers are part of the public API. Any other headers are internal implementation details.

These headers are part of the public API, but are currently undocumented.

  • pika/barrier.hpp

  • pika/condition_variable.hpp

  • pika/latch.hpp

  • pika/mpi.hpp

  • pika/mutex.hpp

  • pika/runtime.hpp

  • pika/semaphore.hpp

  • pika/thread.hpp

All functionality in a namespace containing detail and all macros prefixed with PIKA_DETAIL are implementation details and may change without warning at any time. All functionality in a namespace containing experimental may change without warning at any time. However, the intention is to stabilize those APIs over time.

Runtime management (pika/init.hpp)

The pika/init.hpp header provides functionality to manage the pika runtime.

#include <pika/execution.hpp>
#include <pika/init.hpp>

#include <fmt/printf.h>

#include <utility>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    namespace ex = pika::execution::experimental;
    namespace tt = pika::this_thread::experimental;

    pika::start(argc, argv);

    // The pika runtime is now active and we can schedule work on the default
    // thread pool
    auto s = ex::schedule(ex::thread_pool_scheduler{}) |
        ex::then([]() { fmt::print("Hello from the pika runtime\n"); });


    return 0;

void pika::start(int argc, char const *const *argv, init_params const &params = init_params())

Start the runtime.

No task is created on the runtime.

int argc

number of arguments in argv

char const *const *argv

array of arguments. The first element is ignored.


(argc == 0 && argv == nullptr) || (argc >= 1 && argv != nullptr)


the runtime is not initialized


the runtime is running

int pika::stop()

Stop the runtime.

Waits until pika::finalize() has been called and there is no more activity on the runtime. See pika::wait(). The runtime can be started again after calling pika::stop(). Must be called from outside the runtime.


the return value of the callable passed to pika::start(int, char const* const*,init_params const&)”, if any. If none was passed, returns 0.


the runtime is initialized


the calling thread is not a pika task


the runtime is not initialized

void pika::finalize()

Signal the runtime that it may be stopped.

Until pika::finalize() has been called, pika::stop() will not return. This function exists to distinguish between the runtime being idle but still expecting work to be scheduled on it and the runtime being idle and ready to be shutdown. Unlike pika::stop(), pika::finalize() can be called from within or outside the runtime.


the runtime is initialized

void pika::wait()

Wait for the runtime to be idle.

Waits until the runtime is idle. This includes tasks scheduled on the thread pools as well as non-tasks such as CUDA kernels submitted through pika facilities. Can be called from within the runtime, in which case the calling task is ignored when determining idleness.


the runtime is initialized


all work submitted before the call to wait is completed

void pika::resume()

Resume the runtime.

Resumes the runtime by waking all worker threads on all thread pools.


the calling thread is not a pika task


runtime is suspended or running


runtime is running

void pika::suspend()

Suspend the runtime.

Waits until the runtime is idle and suspends worker threads on all thread pools. Work can be scheduled on the runtime even when it is suspended, but no progress will be made.


the calling thread is not a pika task


runtime is running or suspended


runtime is suspended

bool pika::is_runtime_initialized() noexcept

Returns true when the runtime is initialized, false otherwise.

Returns true between calls of pika::start(int, char const* const*, init_params const&) and pika::stop(), otherwise false.

Added in version 0.22.0.

struct init_params

std::execution support (pika/execution.hpp)

The pika/execution.hpp header provides functionality related to std::execution. std::execution functionality, including extensions provided by pika, is defined in the pika::execution::experimental namespace. When the CMake option PIKA_WITH_STDEXEC is enabled, pika pulls the stdexec namespace into pika::execution::experimental.

See Relation to std::execution and stdexec and More resources for more details on how pika relates to std::execution and for more resources on learning about std::execution. Documentation for sender functionality added to the C++ standard in the above resources apply to both pika’s and stdexec’s implementations of them.

Documented below are sender adaptors not available in stdexec or not proposed for standardization.

All sender adaptors are customization point objects (CPOs).

constexpr drop_value_t pika::execution::experimental::drop_value = {}

Ignores all values sent by the predecessor sender, sending none itself.

Sender adaptor that takes any sender and returns a new sender that sends no values.

Added in version 0.6.0.

#include <pika/execution.hpp>
#include <pika/init.hpp>

#include <fmt/printf.h>

#include <tuple>
#include <utility>

struct custom_type

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    namespace ex = pika::execution::experimental;
    namespace tt = pika::this_thread::experimental;

    pika::start(argc, argv);
    ex::thread_pool_scheduler sched{};

    auto s = ex::just(42, custom_type{}, std::tuple("hello")) |
        ex::drop_value() |
        // No matter what is sent to drop_value, it won't be sent from
        // drop_value
        ex::then([] { fmt::print("I got nothing...\n"); });


    return 0;

constexpr drop_operation_state_t pika::execution::experimental::drop_operation_state = {}

Releases the operation state of the adaptor before signaling a connected receiver.

Sender adaptor that takes any sender and returns a sender. Values received as references from the predecessor sender will be copied before being passed on to successor senders. Other values are passed on unchanged.

The operation state of previous senders can hold on to allocated memory or values longer than necessary which can prevent other algorithms from using those resources. drop_operation_state can be used to explicitly release the operation state, and thus associated resources, of previous senders.

Added in version 0.19.0.

#include <pika/execution.hpp>
#include <pika/init.hpp>

#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    namespace ex = pika::execution::experimental;
    namespace tt = pika::this_thread::experimental;

    pika::start(argc, argv);
    ex::thread_pool_scheduler sched{};

    auto sp = std::make_shared<int>(42);
    std::weak_ptr<int> sp_weak = sp;

    auto s = ex::just(std::move(sp)) |
        ex::then([&](auto&&) { assert(sp_weak.use_count() == 1); }) |
        // Even though the shared_ptr is no longer in use, it may be kept alive
        // by the operation state
        ex::then([&]() {
            assert(sp_weak.use_count() == 1);
            return 42;
        }) |
        ex::drop_operation_state() |
        // Once drop_operation_state has been used, the shared_ptr is guaranteed
        // to be released.  Values are passed through the adaptor.
        ex::then([&]([[maybe_unused]] int x) {
            assert(sp_weak.use_count() == 0);
            assert(x == 42);


    return 0;

constexpr require_started_t pika::execution::experimental::require_started = {}

Diagnose if a sender has not been started and terminates on destruction. It forwards the values of the predecessor sender.

Sender adaptor that takes any sender and returns a new sender that sends the same values as the predecessor sender.

The destructor terminates if the sender has not been connected or if the operation state has not been started. The operation state of a require_started sender is allowed to not be started if it has been explicitly requested with the discard member function.

Added in version 0.21.0.

#include <pika/execution.hpp>
#include <pika/init.hpp>

#include <fmt/printf.h>

#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <exception>
#include <utility>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    namespace ex = pika::execution::experimental;
    namespace tt = pika::this_thread::experimental;

    pika::start(argc, argv);
    ex::thread_pool_scheduler sched{};

        // require_started forwards values received from the predecessor sender
        auto s = ex::just(42) | ex::require_started() |
            ex::then([]([[maybe_unused]] auto&& i) { assert(i == 42); });

        // The termination is ignored with discard, the sender is from the
        // user's perspective rightfully not used
        auto s = ex::just() | ex::require_started();

        // The require_started sender terminates on destruction if it has not
        // been used
        auto s = ex::just() | ex::require_started();

    return 0;

constexpr split_tuple_t pika::execution::experimental::split_tuple = {}

Splits a sender of a tuple into a tuple of senders.

Sender adaptor that takes a sender that sends a single, non-empty, tuple and returns a new tuple of the same size as the one sent by the input sender which contains one sender for each element in the input sender tuple. Each output sender signals completion whenever the input sender would have signalled completion. The predecessor sender must complete with exactly one tuple of at least one type.

Added in version 0.12.0.

#include <pika/execution.hpp>
#include <pika/init.hpp>

#include <fmt/printf.h>

#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    namespace ex = pika::execution::experimental;
    namespace tt = pika::this_thread::experimental;

    pika::start(argc, argv);
    ex::thread_pool_scheduler sched{};

    // split_tuple can be used to process the result and its square through
    // senders, without having to pass both around together
    auto [snd, snd_squared] = ex::schedule(sched) |
        ex::then([]() { return 42; }) |
        ex::then([](int x) { return std::tuple(x, x * x); }) |

    // snd and snd_squared will be ready at the same time, but can be used
    // independently
    auto snd_print = std::move(snd) | ex::continues_on(sched) |
        ex::then([](int x) { fmt::print("x is {}\n", x); });
    auto snd_process = std::move(snd_squared) | ex::continues_on(sched) |
        ex::then([](int x_squared) {
            fmt::print("Performing expensive operations on x * x\n");
            return x_squared / 2;

    auto x_squared_processed = tt::sync_wait(
        ex::when_all(std::move(snd_print), std::move(snd_process)));
    fmt::print("The final result is {}\n", x_squared_processed);


    return 0;

constexpr unpack_t pika::execution::experimental::unpack = {}

Transforms a sender of tuples into a sender of the elements of the tuples.

Sender adaptor that takes a sender of a tuple-like and returns a sender where the tuple-like has been unpacked into its elements, similarly to std::apply. Each completion signature must send exactly one tuple-like, not zero or more than one. The predecessor sender can have any number of completion signatures for the value channel, each sending a single tuple-like. The adaptor does not unpack tuple-likes recursively. Any type that supports the tuple protocol can be used with the adaptor.

Added in version 0.17.0.

#include <pika/execution.hpp>
#include <pika/init.hpp>

#include <fmt/printf.h>

#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    namespace ex = pika::execution::experimental;
    namespace tt = pika::this_thread::experimental;

    pika::start(argc, argv);
    ex::thread_pool_scheduler sched{};

    auto tuple_sender = ex::just(std::tuple(std::string("hello!"), 42)) |
    auto process_data = [](auto message, auto answer) {
        fmt::print("{}\nthe answer is: {}\n", message, answer);

    // With the unpack adaptor, process_data does not have to know that the data
    // was originally sent as a tuple
    auto unpack_sender = tuple_sender | ex::unpack() | ex::then(process_data);

    // We can manually recreate the behaviour of the unpack adaptor by using
    // std::apply. This is equivalent to the above.
    auto apply_sender = tuple_sender | ex::then([&](auto tuple_of_data) {
        return std::apply(process_data, std::move(tuple_of_data));

        ex::when_all(std::move(unpack_sender), std::move(apply_sender)));


    return 0;

constexpr when_all_vector_t pika::execution::experimental::when_all_vector = {}

Returns a sender that completes when all senders in the input vector have completed.

Sender adaptor that takes a vector of senders and returns a sender that sends a vector of the values sent by the input senders. The vector sent has the same size as the input vector. An empty vector of senders completes immediately on start. When the input vector of senders contains senders that send no value the output sender sends no value instead of a vector. The senders in the input vector must send at most a single type.

Added in version 0.2.0.

#include <pika/execution.hpp>
#include <pika/init.hpp>

#include <fmt/printf.h>
#include <fmt/ranges.h>

#include <cstddef>
#include <random>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

std::size_t get_n() { return 13; }
std::size_t calculate(std::size_t i) { return (std::rand() % 4) * i * i; }

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    namespace ex = pika::execution::experimental;
    namespace tt = pika::this_thread::experimental;

    pika::start(argc, argv);
    ex::thread_pool_scheduler sched{};

    // when_all_vector is like when_all, but for a dynamic number of senders
    // through a vector of senders
    auto const n = get_n();
    std::vector<ex::unique_any_sender<std::size_t>> snds;
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            ex::just(i) | ex::continues_on(sched) | ex::then(calculate));
    auto snds_print = ex::when_all_vector(std::move(snds)) |
        ex::then([](std::vector<std::size_t> results) {
            fmt::print("Results are: {}\n", fmt::join(results, ", "));

    // when_all_vector will send no value on completion if the input vector
    // contains senders sending no value
    std::vector<ex::unique_any_sender<>> snds_nothing;
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        snds_nothing.push_back(ex::just(i) | ex::continues_on(sched) |
            ex::then([](auto i) { fmt::print("{}: {}\n", i, calculate(i)); }));
    auto snds_nothing_done = ex::when_all_vector(std::move(snds_nothing)) |
        ex::then([]() { fmt::print("Done printing all results\n"); });


    return 0;

template<typename ...Ts>
class unique_any_sender

Type-erased move-only sender.

This class wraps senders that send types Ts in the value channel. This wrapper class does not support arbitrary completion signatures, but requires a single value and error completion signature. The value completion signature must send types Ts. The error completion must send a std::exception_ptr. The wrapped sender may have a stopped completion signature.

The unique_any_sender requires senders that are move-constructible and connectable with r-value references to the sender. The unique_any_sender itself must also be connected with an r-value reference (i.e. moved when passing into sender adaptors or consumers).

Sending references in the completion signature is not supported.

An empty unique_any_sender throws when connected to a receiver.

Template Parameters:
typename ...Ts

types sent in the value channel.

Public Functions

unique_any_sender() = default

Default-construct an empty unique_any_sender.

template<typename Sender, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<Sender>, unique_any_sender>>>
inline unique_any_sender(Sender &&sender)

Construct a unique_any_sender containing sender.

template<typename Sender, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<Sender>, unique_any_sender>>>
inline unique_any_sender &operator=(Sender &&sender)

Assign sender to the unique_any_sender.

inline unique_any_sender(any_sender<Ts...> &&other)

Construct a unique_any_sender from an any_sender.

inline unique_any_sender &operator=(any_sender<Ts...> &&other)

Assign a any_sender to a unique_any_sender.

template<typename Sender>
inline void reset(Sender &&sender)

Assign sender to the unique_any_sender.

inline void reset()

Empty the unique_any_sender.

inline bool empty() const noexcept

Check if the unique_any_sender is empty.


True if the unique_any_sender is empty, i.e. default-constructed or moved-from.

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept

Check if the unique_any_sender is non-empty.

See empty().

template<typename ...Ts>
class any_sender

Type-erased copyable sender.

See unique_any_sender for an overview. Compared to unique_any_sender, the any_sender requires the wrapped senders to be l-value reference connectable and copyable. The any_sender itself is also l-value reference connectable and copyable. Otherwise it behaves the same as unique_any_sender.

A unique_any_sender can be constructed from a any_sender, but not vice-versa.

Template Parameters:
typename ...Ts

types sent in the value channel.

Public Functions

any_sender() = default

Default-construct an empty any_sender.

template<typename Sender, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<Sender>, any_sender>>>
inline any_sender(Sender &&sender)

Construct a any_sender containing sender.

template<typename Sender, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<Sender>, any_sender>>>
inline any_sender &operator=(Sender &&sender)

Assign sender to the any_sender.

template<typename Sender>
inline void reset(Sender &&sender)

Assign sender to the any_sender.

inline void reset()

Empty the any_sender.

inline bool empty() const noexcept

Check if the any_sender is empty.


True if the any_sender is empty, i.e. default-constructed or moved-from.

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept

Check if the any_sender is non-empty.

See empty().

template<typename Sender, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_sender_v<Sender>>>
auto pika::execution::experimental::make_unique_any_sender(Sender &&sender)

Helper function to construct a unique_any_sender.

The template parameters for unique_any_sender are inferred from the value types sent by the given sender sender.

template<typename Sender, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_sender_v<Sender>>>
auto pika::execution::experimental::make_any_sender(Sender &&sender)

Helper function to construct a any_sender.

The template parameters for any_sender are inferred from the value types sent by the given sender sender.

#include <pika/execution.hpp>
#include <pika/init.hpp>

#include <fmt/printf.h>

#include <chrono>
#include <cstddef>
#include <string_view>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>

void print_answer(std::string_view message,
    pika::execution::experimental::unique_any_sender<int>&& sender)
    auto const answer =
    fmt::print("{}: {}\n", message, answer);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    namespace ex = pika::execution::experimental;
    namespace tt = pika::this_thread::experimental;

    pika::start(argc, argv);
    ex::thread_pool_scheduler sched{};

    ex::unique_any_sender<int> sender;

    // Whether the sender is a simple just-sender...
    sender = ex::just(42);
    print_answer("Quick answer", std::move(sender));

    // ... or a more complicated sender, we can put them both into the same
    // unique_any_sender as long as they send the same types.
    sender = ex::schedule(sched) | ex::then([]() {
        return 42;
    print_answer("Slow answer", std::move(sender));

    // If we try to use the sender again it will throw an exception
        // NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-use-after-move)
    catch (std::exception const& e)
        fmt::print("Caught exception: {}\n", e.what());

    // We can also use a type-erased sender to chain work. The type of the
    // sender remains the same each iteration thanks to the type-erasure, but
    // the work it represents grows.
    // However, note that using a specialized algorithm like repeat_n from
    // stdexec may be more efficient.
    ex::unique_any_sender<int> chain{ex::just(0)};
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 42; ++i)
        chain = std::move(chain) | ex::continues_on(sched) |
            ex::then([](int x) { return x + 1; });
    print_answer("Final answer", std::move(chain));


    return 0;

Asynchronous read-write mutex (pika/async_rw_mutex.hpp)

This header provides access to a sender-based asynchronous mutex, allowing both shared and exclusive access to a wrapped value. The functionality is in the namespace pika::execution::experimental.

Unlike typical mutexes, this one provides access exactly in the order that it is requested in synchronous code. This allows writing algorithms that mostly look like synchronous code, but can run asynchronously. This mutex is used extensively in DLA-Future, where it forms the basis for asynchronous access to blocks of distributed matrices.

#include <pika/async_rw_mutex.hpp>
#include <pika/execution.hpp>
#include <pika/init.hpp>

#include <fmt/printf.h>

#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    namespace ex = pika::execution::experimental;
    namespace tt = pika::this_thread::experimental;

    pika::start(argc, argv);
    ex::thread_pool_scheduler sched{};

        // Below we will access the value proteced by the mutex with the
        // following implied dependency graph:
        //              ┌──► ro_access1 ──┐
        // rw_access1 ──┼──► ro_access2 ──┼──► rw_access2
        //              └──► ro_access3 ──┘
        // Note that the senders themselves don't depend on each other
        // explicitly as above, but the senders provided by the mutex enforce
        // the given order. Because of this enforced order, it is possible to
        // create deadlocks with the mutex. For example, starting and waiting
        // for the sender of ro_access1 without ever starting the sender of
        // rw_access1 would lead to a deadlock. Similarly, it is not sufficient
        // to only start the last sender accessed from the mutex. It will not
        // automatically start the senders of previous accesses.
        ex::async_rw_mutex<int> m{0};

        // This read-write access is guaranteed to not run concurrently with any
        // other accesses. It will also run first since we requested the sender
        // first from the mutex.
        auto rw_access1 =
            m.readwrite() | ex::continues_on(sched) | ex::then([](auto w) {
                w.get() = 13;
                fmt::print("updated value to {}\n", w.get());

        // These read-only accesses can only read the value, but they can run
        // concurrently. They'll see the write from the access above.
        auto ro_access1 =
   | ex::continues_on(sched) | ex::then([](auto w) {
                fmt::print("value is now {}\n", w.get());
        auto ro_access2 =
   | ex::continues_on(sched) | ex::then([](auto w) {
                fmt::print("value is {} here as well\n", w.get());
        auto ro_access3 =
   | ex::continues_on(sched) | ex::then([](auto w) {
                fmt::print("and {} here too\n", w.get());

        // This read-write access will run once all the above read-only accesses
        // are done.
        auto rw_access2 =
            m.readwrite() | ex::continues_on(sched) | ex::then([](auto w) {
                w.get() = 42;
                fmt::print("value is {} at the end\n", w.get());

        // Start and wait for all the work to finish.
        tt::sync_wait(ex::when_all(std::move(rw_access1), std::move(ro_access1),
            std::move(ro_access2), std::move(ro_access3),


    return 0;

template<typename ReadWriteT, typename ReadT, typename Allocator>
class async_rw_mutex

Read-write mutex where access is granted to a value through senders.

The wrapped value is accessed through read and readwrite, both of which return senders which send a wrapped value on the value channel when the wrapped value is safe to read or write.

A read-write sender gives exclusive access to the wrapped value, while a read-only sender allows concurrent access to the value (with other read-only accesses).

When the wrapped type is void, the mutex acts as a simple mutex around some externally managed resource. The mutex still allows read-write and read-only access when the type is void. The read-write wrapper types are move-only. The read-only wrapper types are copyable.

The order in which senders signal a receiver is determined by the order in which the senders are retrieved from the mutex. Connecting and starting the senders is thread-safe.

The mutex is move-only.


Because access to the wrapped value is granted in the order that it is requested from the mutex, there is a risk of deadlocks if senders of later accesses are started and waited for without starting senders of earlier accesses.


Retrieving senders from the mutex is not thread-safe. The senders of the mutex are intended to be accessed in synchronous code, while the access provided by the senders themselves are safe to access concurrently.

Template Parameters:
typename ReadWriteT

The type of the wrapped type.

typename ReadT

The type to use for read-only accesses of the wrapped type. Defaults to ReadWriteT.

typename Allocator

The allocator to use for allocating the internal shared state.

Public Types

using read_type = std::decay_t<ReadT> const

The type of read-only types accessed through the mutex.

using readwrite_type = std::decay_t<ReadWriteT>

The type of read-write types accessed through the mutex.

using read_access_type = async_rw_mutex_access_wrapper<readwrite_type, read_type, async_rw_mutex_access_type::read>

The wrapper type sent by read-only-access senders.

using readwrite_access_type = async_rw_mutex_access_wrapper<readwrite_type, read_type, async_rw_mutex_access_type::readwrite>

The wrapper type sent by read-write-access senders.

Public Functions

template<typename U, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<std::decay_t<U>, async_rw_mutex>::value>>
inline explicit async_rw_mutex(U &&u, allocator_type const &alloc = {})

Construct a new mutex with the wrapped value initialized to u.

~async_rw_mutex() = default

Destroy the mutex.

The destructor does not wait or require that all accesses through senders have completed. The wrapped value is kept alive in a shared state managed by the senders, until the last access completes, or the destructor of the async_rw_mutex runs, whichever happens later.

inline sender<async_rw_mutex_access_type::read> read()

Access the wrapped value in read-only mode through a sender.

inline sender<async_rw_mutex_access_type::readwrite> readwrite()

Access the wrapped value in read-write mode through a sender.

enum class pika::execution::experimental::async_rw_mutex_access_type

The type of access provided by async_rw_mutex.


enumerator read

Read-only access.

enumerator readwrite

Read-write access.

template<typename ReadWriteT, typename ReadT, async_rw_mutex_access_type AccessType>
class async_rw_mutex_access_wrapper

A wrapper for values sent by senders from async_rw_mutex.

All values sent by senders accessed through async_rw_mutex are wrapped by this class. The wrapper has reference semantics to the wrapped object, and controls when subsequent accesses is given. When the destructor of the last or only wrapper runs, senders for subsequent accesses will signal their value channel.

When the access type is async_rw_mutex_access_type::readwrite the wrapper is move-only. When the access type is async_rw_mutex_access_type::read the wrapper is copyable.

template<typename ReadWriteT, typename ReadT>
class async_rw_mutex_access_wrapper<ReadWriteT, ReadT, async_rw_mutex_access_type::readwrite>

A wrapper for values sent by senders from async_rw_mutex with read-write access.

The wrapper is move-only.

Public Functions

inline ReadWriteT &get()

Access the wrapped type by reference.

template<typename ReadWriteT, typename ReadT>
class async_rw_mutex_access_wrapper<ReadWriteT, ReadT, async_rw_mutex_access_type::read>

A wrapper for values sent by senders from async_rw_mutex with read-only access.

The wrapper is copyable.

Public Functions

inline ReadT &get() const

Access the wrapped type by const reference.

class async_rw_mutex_access_wrapper<void, void, async_rw_mutex_access_type::read>

A wrapper for read-only access granted by a void async_rw_mutex.

The wrapper is copyable.

class async_rw_mutex_access_wrapper<void, void, async_rw_mutex_access_type::readwrite>

A wrapper for read-write access granted by a void async_rw_mutex.

The wrapper is move-only.

CUDA/HIP support (pika/cuda.hpp)

The pika/cuda.hpp header provides functionality related to CUDA and HIP. All functionality is under the pika::cuda::experimental namespace and class and function names contain cuda, even when HIP support is enabled. CUDA and HIP functionality can be enabled with the CMake options PIKA_WITH_CUDA and PIKA_WITH_HIP, respectively, but they are mutually exclusive. In the following, whenever CUDA is mentioned, it refers to to CUDA and HIP interchangeably.

Note tracks a potential renaming of the functionality to avoid using cuda even when HIP is enabled. If you have feedback on a rename or just want to follow along, please see that issue.


pika uses whip internally for portability between CUDA and HIP. However, users of pika are not forced to use whip as whip only creates aliases for CUDA/HIP types and enumerations. whip is thus compatible with directly using the types and enumerations provided by CUDA/HIP. For cuBLAS, cuSOLVER, rocBLAS, and rocSOLVER support pika does not use a portability library, but simply uses the appropriate types depending on if CUDA or HIP support is enabled.


At the moment, nvcc can not compile stdexec headers. Of the CUDA compilers, only nvc++ is able to compile stdexec headers. If you have stdexec support enabled in pika, either ensure that .cu files do not include stdexec headers, or use nvc++ to compile your application. However, nvc++ does not officially support compiling device code. Use at your own risk.

For HIP there are no known restrictions.

The CUDA support in pika relies on four major components:

  1. A pool of CUDA streams as well as cuBLAS and cuSOLVER handles (pika::cuda::experimental::cuda_pool). These streams and handles are used in a round-robin fashion by various sender adaptors.

  2. A CUDA scheduler, in the std::execution sense (pika::cuda::experimental::cuda_scheduler). This uses the CUDA pool to schedule work on a GPU.

  3. Sender adaptors (pika::cuda::experimental::then_with_stream etc.). A few special-purpose sender adaptors, as well as customizations of a few std::execution adaptors are provided to help schedule different types of work on a GPU.

  4. Polling of CUDA events integrated into the pika scheduling loop (pika::cuda::experimental::enable_user_polling). This integration is essential to avoid calling e.g. cudaStreamSynchronize on a pika task, which would block the underlying worker thread and thus block progress of other work.

The following example gives an overview of using the above CUDA functionalities in pika:

#include <pika/cuda.hpp>
#include <pika/execution.hpp>
#include <pika/init.hpp>

#include <whip.hpp>

#include <cstdio>
#include <utility>

__global__ void kernel()
        "Hello from kernel! threadIdx.x: %d\n", static_cast<int>(threadIdx.x));

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    namespace cu = pika::cuda::experimental;
    namespace ex = pika::execution::experimental;
    namespace tt = pika::this_thread::experimental;

    pika::start(argc, argv);
    ex::thread_pool_scheduler cpu_sched{};

    // Create a pool of CUDA streams and cuBLAS/SOLVER handles, and a scheduler
    // that uses the pool.
    cu::cuda_pool pool{};
    cu::cuda_scheduler cuda_sched{pool};

        // Enable polling of CUDA events on the default pool. This is required
        // to allow the adaptors below to signal completion of kernels.
        cu::enable_user_polling p{};

        // The work created by the adaptors below will all be scheduled on the
        // same stream from the pool since the work is sequential.
        // Note that error checking is omitted below.
        auto s = ex::just(42) | ex::continues_on(cuda_sched) |
            // CUDA kernel through a lambda.
            ex::then([](int x) { printf("Hello from the GPU! x: %d\n", x); }) |
            // Explicitly launch a CUDA kernel with a stream (see
            // for details about whip)
                [](whip::stream_t stream) { kernel<<<1, 32, 0, stream>>>(); });


    return 0;

While pika::cuda::experimental::cuda_pool gives direct access to streams and handles, the recommended way to access them is through the pika::cuda::experimental::cuda_scheduler and the sender adaptors available below.

class cuda_scheduler

A scheduler for running work on a CUDA pool.

Provides access to scheduling work on a CUDA context represented by a cuda_pool. Models the std::execution scheduler concept.

Move and copy constructible. The scheduler has reference semantics with respect to the associated CUDA pool.

Equality comparable.


The recommended way to access streams and handles from the cuda_pool is through the sender adaptors then_with_stream, then_with_cublas, and then_with_cusolver.

Public Functions

explicit cuda_scheduler(cuda_pool pool)

Constructs a new cuda_scheduler using the given cuda_pool.

cuda_pool const &get_pool() const noexcept

Return the cuda_pool associated with this scheduler.

cuda_stream const &get_next_stream()

Return the next available CUDA stream from the pool.

locked_cublas_handle get_cublas_handle(cuda_stream const &stream, cublasPointerMode_t pointer_mode)

Return the next available cuBLAS handle from the pool.

locked_cusolver_handle get_cusolver_handle(cuda_stream const &stream)

Return the next available cuSOLVER handle from the pool.

struct then_with_stream_t

The type of the then_with_stream sender adaptor.

Public Functions

template<typename Sender, typename F>
inline constexpr auto operator()(Sender &&sender, F &&f) const

Create a then_with_stream sender.

Sender &&sender

The predecessor sender.

F &&f

Callable that will be passed a cudaStream_t as the last argument. Values from sender are passed as references.

template<typename F>
inline constexpr auto operator()(F &&f) const

Partially bound sender. Expects a sender to be supplied later.

constexpr then_with_stream_t pika::cuda::experimental::then_with_stream = {}

Sender adaptor which calls f with CUDA stream.

When the predecessor sender completes, calls f with a CUDA stream as the last argument after other values sent by the predecessor sender. This adaptor can only be used when the completion scheduler is a cuda_scheduler. Other work may be scheduled concurrently on the stream passed to f. Values sent by the predecessor sender are passed as references to f and kept alive until the work submitted by f to the stream is completed. f may return as soon as work has been submitted, and a connected receiver will be signaled only once the kernels submitted to the stream have completed.

#include <pika/cuda.hpp>
#include <pika/execution.hpp>
#include <pika/init.hpp>

#include <whip.hpp>

#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>
#include <utility>

__global__ void kernel(int* p, int offset)
        "Hello from kernel! threadIdx.x: %d\n", static_cast<int>(threadIdx.x));
    p[threadIdx.x] = threadIdx.x * threadIdx.x + offset;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    namespace cu = pika::cuda::experimental;
    namespace ex = pika::execution::experimental;
    namespace tt = pika::this_thread::experimental;

    pika::start(argc, argv);
    ex::thread_pool_scheduler cpu_sched{};
    cu::cuda_pool pool{};
    cu::cuda_scheduler cuda_sched{pool};

        cu::enable_user_polling p{};

        constexpr std::size_t n = 32;
        int* a = nullptr;

        // whip::malloc_async wraps cudaMallocAsync/hipMallocAsync. Using the
        // sender adaptors the allocation, work, and deallocation can all be
        // scheduled onto the same stream.
        auto s = ex::just(&a, n * sizeof(int)) | ex::continues_on(cuda_sched) |
            cu::then_with_stream(whip::malloc_async) |
            // The then_with_stream callable accepts values sent by the
            // predecessor. They will be passed by reference before the stream.
            // This allows e.g. whip::malloc_async to be used above with values
            // sent by the just sender. The values are passed by reference and
            // will be kept alive until the work done on the stream is done.
                    /* other values by reference here */ whip::stream_t
                        stream) {
                    kernel<<<1, n, 0, stream>>>(a, 17);
                    // Even though the function returns here, the sync_wait below
                    // will wait for the kernel to finish. Values returned are
                    // passed on to continuations.
                    return a;
                }) |



    return 0;

struct then_with_cublas_t

The type of the then_with_cublas sender adaptor.

Public Functions

template<typename Sender, typename F>
inline constexpr auto operator()(Sender &&sender, F &&f, cublasPointerMode_t pointer_mode) const

Create a then_with_cublas sender.

Sender &&sender

The predecessor sender.

F &&f

Callable that will be passed a cublasHandle_t as the first argument. Values from sender are passed as references.

cublasPointerMode_t pointer_mode

The cublasPointerMode_t used for the internal cuBLAS handle, or the equivalent for rocBLAS.

template<typename F>
inline constexpr auto operator()(F &&f, cublasPointerMode_t pointer_mode) const

Partially bound sender. Expects a sender to be supplied later.

constexpr then_with_cublas_t pika::cuda::experimental::then_with_cublas = {}

Sender adaptor which calls f with a cuBLAS handle.

This sender is intended to be used to submit work using a cuBLAS handle. The stream associated to the handle may also be used to submit work. The handle is accessed through a locked_cublas_handle and f should return as quickly as possible to avoid blocking other work from using the handle.

The behaviour of synchronization and lifetimes are the same as for then_with_stream, except that the handle is passed as the first argument to match the typical function signatures of cuBLAS functions.

#include <pika/cuda.hpp>
#include <pika/execution.hpp>
#include <pika/init.hpp>

#include <fmt/printf.h>
#include <whip.hpp>

#include <cstddef>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>

#if defined(PIKA_HAVE_CUDA)
# include <cublas_v2.h>
using blas_handle_t = cublasHandle_t;
auto* blas_gemm = &cublasDgemm;
auto blas_pointer_mode = CUBLAS_POINTER_MODE_HOST;
auto blas_op_n = CUBLAS_OP_N;
#elif defined(PIKA_HAVE_HIP)
# include <rocblas/rocblas.h>
using blas_handle_t = rocblas_handle;
# define CUBLAS_POINTER_MODE_HOST rocblas_pointer_mode_host
auto* blas_gemm = &rocblas_dgemm;
auto blas_pointer_mode = rocblas_pointer_mode_host;
auto blas_op_n = rocblas_operation_none;

// Owning wrapper for GPU-allocated memory.
class gpu_data
    double* p{nullptr};
    std::size_t n{0};

    // Note that blocking functions such as cudaMalloc will block the underlying
    // operating system thread instead of yielding the pika task. Consider using
    // e.g. a pool of GPU memory to avoid blocking the thread for too long.
    gpu_data(std::size_t n)
      : n(n)
        whip::malloc(&p, sizeof(double) * n);
    gpu_data(gpu_data&& other) noexcept
      : p(std::exchange(other.p, nullptr))
      , n(std::exchange(other.n, 0))
    gpu_data& operator=(gpu_data&& other) noexcept
        p = std::exchange(other.p, nullptr);
        n = std::exchange(other.n, 0);
        return *this;
    gpu_data(gpu_data const&) = delete;
    gpu_data& operator=(gpu_data const&) = delete;
    ~gpu_data() { whip::free(p); }

    std::size_t size() const { return n; }
    double* get() const { return p; }

__global__ void init(double* a, double* b, double* c, std::size_t n)
    std::size_t i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (i < n)
        a[i] = 1.0;
        b[i] = 2.0;
        c[i] = 3.0;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    namespace cu = pika::cuda::experimental;
    namespace ex = pika::execution::experimental;
    namespace tt = pika::this_thread::experimental;

    pika::start(argc, argv);
    ex::thread_pool_scheduler cpu_sched{};
    cu::cuda_pool pool{};
    cu::cuda_scheduler cuda_sched{pool};

        cu::enable_user_polling p{};

        constexpr std::size_t n = 2048;
        gpu_data a{n * n};
        gpu_data b{n * n};
        gpu_data c{n * n};
        double alpha = 1.0;
        double beta = 1.0;

        auto s = ex::just(std::move(a), std::move(b), std::move(c)) |
            ex::continues_on(cuda_sched) |
                [](auto& a, auto& b, auto& c, whip::stream_t stream) {
                    init<<<n * n / 256, 256, 0, stream>>>(
                        a.get(), b.get(), c.get(), n * n);
                    return std::make_tuple(
                        std::move(a), std::move(b), std::move(c));
                }) |
            ex::unpack() |
            // a, b, and c will be kept alive by the then_with_cublas operation
            // state at least until the GPU kernels complete.  Values sent by
            // the predecessor sender are passed as the last arguments after the
            // handle.
                [&](blas_handle_t handle, auto& a, auto& b, auto& c) {
                    blas_gemm(handle, blas_op_n, blas_op_n, n, n, n, &alpha,
                        a.get(), n, b.get(), n, &beta, c.get(), n);


    return 0;

struct then_with_cusolver_t

The type of the then_with_cusolver sender adaptor.

Public Functions

template<typename Sender, typename F>
inline constexpr auto operator()(Sender &&sender, F &&f) const
Sender &&sender

The predecessor sender.

F &&f

Callable that will be passed a cusolverDnHandle_t as the first argument. Values from sender are passed as references.

template<typename F>
inline constexpr auto operator()(F &&f) const

Partially bound sender. Expects a sender to be supplied later.

constexpr then_with_cusolver_t pika::cuda::experimental::then_with_cusolver = {}

Sender adaptor which calls f with a cuSOLVER handle.

This sender is intended to be used to submit work using a cuSOLVER handle. The stream associated to the handle may also be used to submit work. The handle is accessed through a locked_cusolver_handle and f should return as quickly as possible to avoid blocking other work from using the handle.

The behaviour of synchronization and lifetimes are the same as for then_with_stream, except that the handle is passed as the first argument to match the typical function signatures of cuBLAS functions.

See pika::cuda::experimental::then_with_cublas for an example of what can be done with pika::cuda::experimental::then_with_cusolver. The interfaces are identical except for the type of handle passed to the callable.

class enable_user_polling

Enable CUDA polling on the given thread pool.

RAII helper class to enable and disable polling of CUDA events on the given pool. Enabling polling is a requirement to signal completion of work submitted to the cuda_scheduler.

There is no detection of whether polling is already enabled or disabled, or if enable_user_polling is nested. The constructor and destructor will unconditionally register and unregister polling, respectively.

Public Functions

inline enable_user_polling(std::string const &pool_name = "")

Start polling for CUDA events on the given thread pool.

std::string const &pool_name = ""

The name of the thread pool to enable polling on. The default is to use the default thread pool.

inline ~enable_user_polling()

Stop polling for CUDA events.

The destructor will not wait for work submitted to a cuda_scheduler to complete. The user must ensure that work completes before disabling polling.

class cuda_pool

A pool of CUDA streams, used for scheduling work on a CUDA device.

The pool initializes a set of CUDA streams on construction and provides access to the streams in a round-robin fashion. The pool also gives access to cuBLAS and cuSOLVER handles.

The pool is movable and copyable with reference semantics. Copies of a pool still refer to the original pool of streams. A moved-from pool can’t be used, except to check if it is valid with valid().

The pool is equality comparable and formattable.


The recommended way to access streams and handles from the cuda_pool is through sender adaptors using cuda_scheduler.

Public Functions

explicit cuda_pool(int device = 0, std::size_t num_normal_priority_streams = 32, std::size_t num_high_priority_streams = 32, unsigned int flags = 0, std::size_t num_cublas_handles = 16, std::size_t num_cusolver_handles = 16)

Construct a pool of CUDA streams and handles.


The default values of num_normal_priority_streams, num_high_priority_streams, num_cublas_handles, and num_cusolver_handles have been chosen to easily allow saturating most GPUs without creating unnecessarily many streams. In individual situations more streams (e.g. launching many small kernels) or fewer streams (e.g. the GPU does not support more concurrency, or slows down when using too many streams) may be more appropriate. Each cuBLAS and cuSOLVER handle may require a significant amount of GPU memory, which is why the default values are lower than the number of streams. The default values have proven to work well e.g. in DLA-Future.


Up to and including version 0.30.X the number of streams parameters denoted the number of streams per worker thread. From 0.31.0 onwards the parameters denote the total number of streams to create in the pool. The default values were adjusted accordingly, but if you are not using the default values, please verify the values you are passing to the cuda_pool constructor are still reasonable with 0.31.0.

int device = 0

the CUDA device used for scheduling work

std::size_t num_normal_priority_streams = 32

the number of normal priority streams

std::size_t num_high_priority_streams = 32

the number of high priority streams

unsigned int flags = 0

flags used to construct CUDA streams

std::size_t num_cublas_handles = 16

the number of cuBLAS handles to create for the whole pool

std::size_t num_cusolver_handles = 16

the number of cuSOLVER handles to create for the whole pool

bool valid() const noexcept

Check if the pool is valid.


true if the pool refers to a valid pool, false otherwise (e.g. if the pool has been moved out from).

explicit operator bool() noexcept

Check if the pool is valid.

See valid().

cuda_stream const &get_next_stream(pika::execution::thread_priority priority = pika::execution::thread_priority::normal)

Get a reference to the next CUDA stream.


The recommended way to access a stream is through a cuda_scheduler.

pika::execution::thread_priority priority = pika::execution::thread_priority::normal

the priority of the stream.

locked_cublas_handle get_cublas_handle(cuda_stream const &stream, cublasPointerMode_t pointer_mode)

Get a locked cuBLAS handle.


The recommended way to access a handle is through a cuda_scheduler.

cuda_stream const &stream

the CUDA stream to use with the cuBLAS handle.


a locked cuBLAS handle, which is released for reuse on destruction.

locked_cusolver_handle get_cusolver_handle(cuda_stream const &stream)

Get a locked cuSOLVER handle.


The recommended way to access a handle is through a cuda_scheduler.

cuda_stream const &stream

the CUDA stream to use with the cuSOLVER handle.


a locked cuSOLVER handle, which is released for reuse on destruction.

class cuda_stream

RAII wrapper for a CUDA stream.

An RAII wrapper for a CUDA stream which creates a stream on construction and destroys it on destruction. It is movable and copyable. A moved-from stream holds the default stream. A copied stream uses the properties from the given stream and creates a new stream.

Equality comparable and formattable.

When accessing the underlying stream, whip is used for compatibility with CUDA and HIP.


The recommended way to access a stream is through sender adaptors using cuda_scheduler.

Public Functions

explicit cuda_stream(int device = 0, pika::execution::thread_priority priority = pika::execution::thread_priority::default_, unsigned int flags = 0)

Construct a new stream with the given device and priority.

int device = 0

The device to create the stream on.

pika::execution::thread_priority priority = pika::execution::thread_priority::default_

The priority of the stream. The mapping from thread_priority to CUDA stream priorities is undefined, except that the order is preserved, allowing for different thread_priority to map to the same CUDA priority.

unsigned int flags = 0

Flags to pass to the CUDA stream creation.

whip::stream_t get() const noexcept

Get the underlying stream.

The stream is still owned by the cuda_stream and must not be manually released.

int get_device() const noexcept

Get the device of the stream.

pika::execution::thread_priority get_priority() const noexcept

Get the priority of the stream.

unsigned int get_flags() const noexcept

brief Get the flags of the stream.

class cublas_handle

RAII wrapper for a cuBLAS handle.

An RAII wrapper for a cuBLAS handle which creates a handle on construction and destroys it on destruction.

The wrapper is movable and copyable. A moved-from handle can not be used other than to check for validity with valid(). A copied stream uses the properties from the given handle and creates a new handle.

Equality comparable and formattable.


The recommended way to access a handle is through a cuda_scheduler.

Public Functions


Constructs a new cuBLAS handle with the default stream.

explicit cublas_handle(cuda_stream const &stream)

Constructs a new cuBLAS handle with the given stream.

bool valid() const noexcept

Check if the handle is valid.


true if the handle refers to a valid handle, false otherwise (e.g. if the handle has been moved out from, or it has been default-constructed)

explicit operator bool() const noexcept

Check if the handle is valid.

See valid().

cublasHandle_t get() const noexcept

Get the underlying cuBLAS handle.

int get_device() const noexcept

Get the device associated with the stream of the cuBLAS handle.

whip::stream_t get_stream() const noexcept

Get the stream associated with the cuBLAS handle.

void set_stream(cuda_stream const &stream)

Set the stream associated with the cuBLAS handle.

void set_pointer_mode(cublasPointerMode_t pointer_mode)

Set the cuBLAS pointer mode of the handle.

class locked_cublas_handle

A locked cuBLAS handle.

A handle that provides thread-safe access to a cublas_handle. The locked handle is immovable.


The recommended way to access a handle is through sender adaptors using cuda_scheduler.

Public Functions

cublas_handle const &get() noexcept

Access the underlying cuBLAS handle.


a reference to the cublas_handle. The returned handle is not thread-safe and must be used within the lifetime of the locked_cublas_handle.

class cusolver_handle

RAII wrapper for a cuSOLVER handle.

An RAII wrapper for a cuBLAS handle which creates a handle on construction and destroys it on destruction.

The wrapper is movable and copyable. A moved-from handle can not be used other than to check for validity with valid(). A copied stream uses the properties from the given handle and creates a new handle.

Equality comparable and formattable.


The recommended way to access a handle is through sender adaptors using cuda_scheduler.

Public Functions


Constructs a new cuSOLVER handle with the default stream.

explicit cusolver_handle(cuda_stream const &stream)

Constructs a new cuSOLVER handle with the given stream.

bool valid() const noexcept

Check if the handle is valid.


true if the handle refers to a valid handle, false otherwise (e.g. if the handle has been moved out from, or it has been default-constructed)

explicit operator bool() const noexcept

Check if the handle is valid.

See valid().

cusolverDnHandle_t get() const noexcept

Get the underlying cuSOLVER handle.

int get_device() const noexcept

Get the device associated with the cuSOLVER handle.

whip::stream_t get_stream() const noexcept

Get the stream associated with the cuSOLVER handle.

void set_stream(cuda_stream const &stream)

Set the stream associated with the cuSOLVER handle.

class locked_cusolver_handle

A locked cuSOLVER handle.

A handle that provides thread-safe access to a cusolver_handle. The locked handle is immovable.


The recommended way to access a handle is through sender adaptors using cuda_scheduler.

Public Functions

cusolver_handle const &get() noexcept

Access the underlying cuSOLVER handle.


a reference to the cusolver_handle. The returned handle is not thread-safe and must be used within the lifetime of the locked_cusolver_handle.